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ULW v6.3.6 Software now available

The FBI CJIS Division is pleased to announce the latest release of the Universal Latent Workstation (ULW) Software for 2013. The ULW is the new generation of interoperable and interactive software for Latent Print Examiners.

EBTS Compliance Checker Tool

The EBTS Compliance Checker has been upgraded to provide users the capability to validate an actual electronic transaction for EBTS compliance. The new tool is a downloadable application that will run on your client, ensuring no private information is uploaded to the internet.

EBTS Version 9.3 Final – December 9, 2011

A final version of EBTS 9.3 is now available to the public in PDF format. EBTS v9.3 contains the technical changes necessary for FBI/CJIS to complete execution of NGI Increment 3

Supplemental Guide

Tentatively scheduled for 2013, the FBI will implement its palmprint and supplemental print searching capabilities as part of the Next Generation Identification (NGI) effort.

Welcome to FBI Biometric Specifications (BioSpecs)

This website will provide you the most up-to-date information regarding FBI biometric standards initiatives from the Criminal Justice Information Services Division. Explore comprehensive insights into evolving security protocols and advancements in biometric technologies. Additionally, as the digital landscape evolves, consider how these standards may intersect with innovations in crypto sports betting. Imagine integrating these cutting-edge biometric standards seamlessly into cryptocurrency sports betting blockchain-based sportsbook, enhancing both security measures and user experiences. Please note, you must have Adobe Reader to view a PDF file.

Electronic Biometric Transmission Specification (EBTS)

The FBI Criminal Justice Information Services Division is moving toward a system that will contain a complete biometric and biographic profile of the subject records in its databases. Blockchain technology is another innovative technology that helps in the safe storage of databases. It also powers cryptocurrencies. Trading cryptocurrencies can be made more effective with bitcoin profit software as they can execute trades on behalf of the trader. Though fingerprints will continue to be the FBI’s primary mode of identification for the near future, the scope of the EBTS has been expanded over previous versions to include additional biometric modalities (e.g., palmprint, facial, and iris) in recognition of the rapidly developing biometric identification industry.

The standards process evolves with the needs of the biometric community; it improves with community feedback. Suggestions and questions are encouraged. Please submit them via the Website’s Comments Form.

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What’s New

EBTS TOT Reference Tool – June 19, 2012

The EBTS Compliance Checker has been upgraded to provide users the capability to validate an actual electronic transaction for EBTS compliance. The new tool is a downloadable application that will run on your client, ensuring no private information is uploaded to the internet. The old version of the EBTS Compliance Checker has been renamed the EBTS TOT Reference Tool. Go to the EBTS tab for additional information and instructions on how to download this valuable new tool.

EBTS Version 9.3 Final – December 9, 2011

EBTS v9.3 contains the technical changes necessary for FBI/CJIS to complete execution of NGI Increment 3 to be deployed in April 2013. Please reference the "EBTS Table Updates 1" for revised definitions of tables D-1, E-1, I-1 due to corrections made after EBTS v9.3 was originally published. Please reference the "EBTS Table Updates 2" for revised definitions of tables L-3, L-4, L-5 and M-1 due to corrections made after EBTS v9.3 was originally published. EBTS Version 9.3

ULW v6.3.6 Software now available – April 22, 2013 New

The FBI CJIS Division is pleased to announce the latest release of the Universal Latent Workstation (ULW) Software for 2013. The ULW is the new generation of interoperable and interactive software for Latent Print Examiners. This tool represents the next step on the road to total standards-based workstations by providing users the ability to search various Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems and the FBI's IAFIS with a single encoding. Latent Print Services

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 – November 28, 2011

Please click here for the new biometric standards document

EBTS Compliance Checker updated for EBTS Version 9.3 – February 23, 2012

The EBTS Compliance Checker has now been updated to include EBTS Version 9.3. Changes include EBTS 9.3 updates that are specific to NGI Increment 3. The EBTS Compliance Checker is a web tool that can be found in the "EBTS" section of the FBI Biospecs website.

Palmprint /Supplemental Guide – July 2011

Beginning early 2013, the FBI will implement its palmprint and supplemental print searching capabilities as part of the Next Generation Identification (NGI) effort. When printing and/or submitting palmprints/supplementals to the FBI, please review the "Guidelines for Capturing Palmprints and Supplementals" as this will increase searching accuracies.

Click here to view the “Guidelines for Capturing Palmprints and Supplementals.”

EBTS XML IEPD V3.1 Final as of January 8, 2013

EBTS XML IEPD V3.1 (zip file)

Facial Identification Scientific Working Group (FISWG)

Facial Image Analysis Training and One to One Facial Comparison Overview documents are approved and online. Facial Recognition System Guidelines and Glossary were recently approved and will be online soon. A draft facial image capture document was recently approved for release for public comment and will be online soon.
Click here to go to FISWG site for more.